Sku: ISBN 978-1-61671-564-9


Sku: ISBN 978-1-61671-564-9
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The celebration of infant Baptism stirs joy within a community and reminds those who have gathered that God has called each of us to be missionary disciples. Celebrating Baptism well has the potential to evangelize and transform a parish community so that their faith will be stirred, deepened, and renewed.

This second edition provides pastoral guidance for preparing joyful and communal celebrations of infant Baptism within or outside Mass according to the newly translated Order of Baptism of Children. It provides guidance for selecting Scripture readings, prayer texts, and music; arranging the environment; scheduling ministers; and preparing liturgies that engage and evangelize. As part of the Preparing Parish Worship™ series, this book includes:

• Theological reflections on the meaning of Baptism
• Historical overview of the development of the baptismal rites for children
• A walk-through of the newly translated Order of Baptism of Children
• Answers to frequently asked questions with responses to difficult pastoral situations
• Assistance with best liturgical practices
• Inspirational and informative quotations from Scripture and Church documents

176 pages, 15 x 23 cm, paperback, Liturgy Training Publications

Available to order (5-7 days).

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